1.) What is IMAC Roof?
IMAC Roof is the thermoplastic roofing sheet brand name of IMAC uPVC Roof Corporation. It was designed to address common problem of rust and corrosion of conventional metal roof.
2.) Since when IMAC was in the market?
We began manufacturing IMAC Thermoplastic roofing since 1993. We are now more than 20 years in the market.
3.) How do you install IMAC Thermoplastic roofing?
IMAC roofing can be installed using electric drill. Fasteners could be tekscrew (wood or metal), hook bolts, J-bolts and umbrella nail.
4.) Where is your plant located and is it available nationwide?
Our plants are located in Cavite and Cebu. It is available nationwide through DN Steel brances and DN Distribution Centers.
5.) What is the longest roofing panel you can deliver?
We can produce any length according to customers order as long as it is transportable. For Visayas and Mindaonao region, we are limited on length allowed by shipping lines.
6.) What is the accepted minimum order?
There is no minimum required order.